Do's and Dont`t for Social Media Marketing


 Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing, the process of marketing to your audience via social media sites such as Face book, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn. This tactic not only creates awareness, but it also allows for possible consumers to share their thoughts and feelings about the product/service within their social network. According to a 2013 study conducted by LinkedIn, 80.4% of survey participants said that “it was important for CEOs to engage with customers on social channels,” and over half of the respondents stated that they, “believe social media engagement makes CEOs more effective leaders.”

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DO create a social media plan to compliment your other online marketing efforts.

DO involve your whole staff in social media efforts.

DON’T allow staff to engage in social media without a clear expectation of what’s appropriate when promoting your company online.

DON’T expect users to engage just because you set up a profile.  Friends talk and social media are about building relationships through a friendly exchange.